作夢者班/做夢者班 II

本論壇自 2009 起分享南開諾布仁波切之教法,目前歸屬於象雄文化。Email: dreamworkforum@gmail.com


Being-in-Dreaming、The Wheel of Time、The Art of Dreaming 等書札記、摘譯與翻譯;個人夢修心得整理。


文章SW » 2018-09-19, 22:12




In the sorcerers' world, since there are no written pages, total records, which can be relived instead of read, are left in the position of the assemblage point.

Don Juan talked about the sorcerers' teachings for the second attention. He said that they are given when the apprentice's assemblage point is on a place other than the normal one. The position of the assemblage point becomes, in this manner, the record of the lesson. In order to play the lesson back, the apprentice has to return his assemblage point to the position it occupied when the lesson was given. Don Juan concluded his remarks by reiterating that to return the assemblage point to all the positions it occupied when the lessons were given is an accomplishment of the highest magnitude.

(《做夢的藝術》p. 167)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-09-19, 22:14

根本識(阿賴耶識)Foundation Consciousness

我們先回到根本識(基礎識、含藏識)的課題。在金剛乘的佛教書籍中時常出現「普基」 (Tib. kun gzhi, 一切之根本,阿賴耶) 這個用語。有時指的是空性——其是心的一種客體或對境;有時指的是主體的覺性,稱為淨光。以後者來說,淨光被稱為「基礎」或「一切之根基」是因為它是存在流轉與解脫的基礎、或說輪迴與涅槃的根基。不過,儘管瑜伽行派對阿賴耶識有所確認,金剛乘認為淨光不必然是道德中性的;也就是說,淨光不必然是既非善又非不善的東西。何以見得?因為經由修行,淨光會被轉化為證悟之心。
“Now let’s return to the issue of the foundation consciousness. The foundation (Tib. kun gzhi) is a term that frequently appears in Vajrayana Buddhist literature. This sometimes refers to emptiness, which is an object of the mind, and sometimes refers to a subjective awareness, namely clear light. In the latter case, the clear light is called the foundation, or literally foundation of all, because it is the foundation of both the cycle of existence and of liberation, of sansara and nirvana. However, unlike the Yogacara assertion about the foundation consciousness, according to Vajrayana this need not be ethically neutral; that is, this clear light does not need to be something that is neither wholesome nor unwholesome. Why is that? Because through spiritual practice this clear light will be transformed into the mind of enlightenment.

大圓滿的書籍也談到「一切的根基」(普基),不過用法不同,它有兩種用法。第一種指的是潛藏習性的基礎,第二種則為本初實相。但是對於第二種用法,我並不很確定它的所指是什麼。第一種指的是一種心的特殊狀態。依據藏傳佛教〔四大派之一〕的寧瑪派,心被區分為兩種:作為潛藏習性基礎的根本識,以及本有覺性(Tib. rig pa,本覺)。從經驗得知,經驗到本有覺性之前,會先經驗到根本識。這兩種覺性共同之處,就是都會有外相生起;但是不同於心的一般狀態,它們不會跟隨外相,或與外相有所牽涉。然而,根本識與本有覺性仍有不同,因為根本識含有某種程度的迷妄。
“We also find a different usage of the term foundation of all in the Dzogchen, or Great Perfection, literature, where it is used in two ways. First, it refers to the basis of latent propensities, and secondly to primordial reality. However, I’m not entirely sure about the referent of this term in its second usage. In the first case it refers to a particular state of mind. According to the Nyingma order of Tibetan Buddhism, the mind is divided into two types: foundation consciousness, which is the foundation for latent propensities, and pristine awareness (Tib. rig pa). Experientially, the foundation consciousness is prior to the experience of pristine awareness. What these two kinds of awareness have in common is that appearances arise to both of them; but—unlike ordinary states of mind—they do not follow after, or engage with, appearances. However, the foundation consciousness differs from pristine awareness in that the former includes a certain degree of delusion.

“Pristine awareness and foundation consciousness both share a common quality in that they do not follow after objects. But it is very important to recognize the distinction between the two. Otherwise, one may well misconstrue the nature of Dzogchen practice, thinking that all you do is sit passively without reacting to whatever appears to your mind. It is a misconception that Dzogchen, or the experience of pristine awareness, means just hovering right in the present, without following after the object. To clear up that misconception, we make this distinction: in the foundation consciousness there is still an element of unclarity or delusion in this passive awareness. Whereas when pristine awareness arises, it is extremely vivid, luminous, and liberating. So there’s a radical distinction in the quality of the awareness of these two states, but unless you have experienced the nature of pristine
awareness, you could confuse the two.

(《心與夢的解析》pp. 116-117)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-09-24, 15:03

“A person who is training in this practice experiences these states in sequence. As you're sitting passively, not engaging with the object, first there arises the foundation consciousness. Then following that, pristine awareness arises, which qualitatively is very different. Once you have become well trained in the experience of pristine awareness, you would not have to experience the deluded foundation consciousness first, before the luminous pristine awareness. More likely, you could slip immediately into the nondeluded pristine awareness. This is a very important point.

本覺有三種。基礎本覺的作用為一切輪迴與涅槃的基礎,和微細淨光相同。在死亡的時刻會經歷這種本覺,一般清醒狀態期間則否。 根本識即從這種覺性當中生起。之後,透過禪修,經驗到根本識之後,你可以經驗到第二種本覺,稱為光明本覺。第三種稱為自然本覺,它是從哪裡生起的呢?作為禪修的一個結果,是有可能直接體驗微細淨光,如此被經驗到的微細淨光被稱為自然淨光,和基礎淨光有所區別。基礎淨光僅能在死亡的時刻才會被經驗到。
“There are three types of pristine awareness. Basic pristine awareness (Tib. gzhi’i rig pa) acts as the basis for all of sansara and nirvana, and is identical to the subtle clear light. This is the pristine awareness one experiences at the time of death, but not during the ordinary waking state. It is from this awareness that the foundation consciousness arises. Then, through meditative practice, after the experience of foundation consciousness you can experience a second kind of pristine awareness, namely effulgent awareness (Tib. rtsal gyi rig pa). The third kind of pristine awareness is called natural pristine awareness (Tib. rang bzhin gyi rig pa). Where does this natural pristine awareness come in? As a result of meditative practice it is possible to gain direct experience of the subtle clear light, and the subtle clear light so experienced is said to be the natural clear light, as distinguished from the basic clear light. The basic clear light can be experienced only at the time of death.”

(達賴喇嘛,《心與夢的解析》p. 117)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-10-02, 17:29








文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-10-02, 17:30





文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-10-13, 20:51



文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-10-13, 20:52

階段的相續 Continuity of Levels

“Finally, let’s pick up one dangling subject, namely the origins of consciousness itself. What is the substantial cause of the first moment of awareness following the conception of a human fetus? In Buddhism there are two views on this, the Sutrayana and the Vajrayana. The Sutrayana view generally states that there must be a continuum of consciousness: consciousness gives rise to consciousness. There must be an accord between the cause and effect if one is to transform into the other, and for this reason there needs to be a preceding continuum of consciousness that gives rise to the first moment of consciousness following conception. That’s a general philosophical theme in the sutra context. In addition to the prior continuum of consciousness acting as the substantial cause for later consciousness, latent propensities can also transform into consciousness; so there are two types of substantial causes for the origins of consciousness.

“In the Vajrayana context you find a more precise discussion of this in terms of very subtle mind, also called primordial consciousness, or primordial clear light. This is said to be the substantial cause of all forms of consciousness. The continuum of the very subtle energy-mind is the foundation of all of samsara and nirvana, a quality that the Yogacara school attributes to the foundation consciousness. They have that in common, but there are a lot of qualities that the Yogacara school attributes to the foundation consciousness that are not attributed to the very subtle mind as asserted in the Vajrayana. This continuum of very subtle mind is not the foundation consciousness as it is asserted in the Yogacara, not even conventionally. However, because the continuum of very subtle mind as asserted in the Vajrayana acts as the foundation for all of sansara and nirvana, we can call it the foundation of all.

“Why do the Yogacaras affirm the existence of the foundation consciousness? The rationale is that they are searching for something that is the self. For reasons of logical argumentation they are compelled to make that assertion. But that is not at all how the assertion of the very subtle mind is made in the Vajrayana. Vajrayana does not assert the existence of the very subtle mind as a result of trying to find something that truly is the self.”

Attempting to link this account with the idea of the continuum of consciousness, I asked whether the continuum of consciousness is the same thing as the foundation consciousness. His Holiness confirmed that in the Dzogchen context the ever present subtle clear light, known also as natural pristine awareness, or Dharmakaya, is in fact the same as the continuum of consciousness.

(《心與夢的解析》pp. 118-119)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-10-13, 20:54

南開師:「當你成功修持夜修法(practice of the night),那指你放鬆於上師瑜伽狀態入睡,且覺知越來越鮮明現行(presence is alive),就會減少你的業力夢,大多數會以明性夢取代,特別是在明性夢中變得有覺知。覺知是說你知道自己在作夢,這不是說你醒來,你依然在作夢,但你知道這點。有些人有這樣的經驗,這對每個人都是可能的,因為每個人都具有自圓滿的功德特質,當有助緣就能夠顯現這樣的夢中覺知,但這端賴助緣而定,有時會發生,而不是總是如此,而對行者而言這樣的情況會變成常態。」(2013/04/21)



這也是為何要有清明夢,就必須分兩段式睡眠的緣故,就是在整個睡眠期 2/3 時起來活動或打坐,再睡回籠覺,刻意去製造清明夢的助緣。(除非已練就每月有規律的清明夢,不然要坐等清明夢自己發生,恐怕有點困難。我們都是這樣練出來的,前期的犧牲和訓練確實必要。)

文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


文章SW » 2018-11-11, 23:52

心理因素和睡眠 Mental Factors and Sleep

“In addition to practicing during the waking state, if you can also use your consciousness during sleep for wholesome purposes, then the power of your spiritual practice will be all the greater. Otherwise at least a few hours each night will be just a waste. So if you can transform your sleep into something virtuous, this is useful. The Sutrayana method is to try as you go to sleep to develop a wholesome mental state, such as compassion, or the realization of impermanence or emptiness.

“If you can cultivate such wholesome mental states prior to sleep and allow them to continue right into sleep without getting distracted, then sleep itself becomes wholesome. The Sutrayana teaches ways of transforming sleep so that it becomes wholesome, but it does not seem to include techniques designed specifically to alter the dreams so that they become wholesome.

“There are also references to the use of certain signs in dreams to judge the level of realization of practitioners. This has to do with Pete’s question yesterday about recognizing prophetic dreams. If something like this happens just once, it is not regarded as significant, but if such dreams occur very persistently that would be noteworthy. One needs to examine whether there are other influencing factors to be taken into account.”

(達賴喇嘛《心與夢的解析》p. 120)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北

文章細節 《心與夢的解析》校譯(5)

文章SW » 2018-11-11, 23:53

淨光、微細自我 Clear Light, Subtle Self

“Now we move to Vajrayana and the four classes of tantra. Among the three lower classes of tantra, although there is much discussion concerning good dreams and bad dreams, good signs and bad signs, there is no discussion about the actual utilization of dreams in practice. However, those same three lower tantras include ways of bringing greater clarity to the dream state through meditating on one’s chosen tantric deity (Tib. yidam).

“The Highest Yoga Tantra, which is the fourth and most profound of the four classes of tantra, speaks of the basic nature of reality. In addition to the nature of the Path and the culmination of the Path, or buddhahood, this level of tantra discusses both the mind and the body in terms of three progressively more subtle states or levels: the gross, the subtle, and the very subtle states. In this context, one can also speak of gross and subtle levels of ‘I’ or the self. Would it therefore follow that there are simultaneously two different selves, a gross self and a subtle self?

“The answer is no. As long as the gross body and mind are functioning, the gross self is designated on the basis of the gross body and mind, and on their behavior. During that time, therefore, you cannot identify a subtle self. But with the collapse of the gross body and mind, at the point of the clear light of death, the gross mind is totally gone, and the only thing left of this continuum is the very subtle energy-mind. At the time of the clear light of death, there is only the very subtle energy-mind, and upon that basis you can impute the very subtle person or ‘I.’ At that time there isn’t any gross ‘I’ at all, so the two—the gross self and the very subtle self—do not manifest simultaneously. Therefore you avoid the error of two people existing at the same time.

“To return to a question you asked before, Francisco, the designation of subtle self occurs during a special dream state. This is not just imagination; the subtle self actually departs from the gross body. The subtle self does not manifest in all dreams, only in a special dream in which one has a special dream body that can separate from the gross body. That’s one occasion when the subtle body and the subtle self manifest. Another occasion is during the bardo, or intermediate period between two lives. In order to dispel the afflictions of the mind and to cultivate wholesome qualities, it’s optimal to use both your gross mind and your subtle mind, and the latter can be cultivated through the practice of dream yoga. If it is possible to utilize all levels of the subtle and the very subtle energy-mind, this is worthwhile.”

(達賴喇嘛,《心與夢的解析》pp. 120-121)
文章: 4442
註冊時間: 2012-03-05, 16:23
來自: 台灣台北


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